Friday, June 8, 2012

40wks + 4 dys

Little One has decided that mummy's womb is just a little too comfortable so decided to check in for extra stay. Selamber je kan..sabar jer laaa...

Nowadays moving around is a major chore. Sakitnya la bila have to move position like from lying to sitting..sitting to standing..standing to walking..vice versa. I can't explain the pain but it's there and it's real. Mr. Hubster said dah last few days ni baru nampak jalan and move slowly macam perempuan pregnant.

I've been getting contractions tapi asyik subside. Wished everytime that it'll grow more intense and frequent tapi tak pun. Perut mengeras, I feel the cramps and dull backache BUT then after a while hilang. I have this very bad feeling that I might have to be induced. Ergh..sekali kena operate, tak suka. BUT everyone said, asalkan semuanya selamat sudah. Iya, memang betul tapi harapannya ialah selamat DAN dipermudahkan..huhuhu..

At the moment I am writing this, I am at the clinic. Tak pasal-pasal the doc mengarahkan suruh buat MGTT, the glucose test. I've done it before and patutnya normal..ada ke dia kata macam tak normal sbb darah pre-minum 5.8, supposedly kena 5.6. Padahal post-minum result 5.3. Geram tul. She mumbled something saying kalau ada diabetes boleh refer to hospital terus to be induce or something. Takut baby besar kot or other complications. Whatever now have to wait another half hour to take post blood. Kepala dah pening ni. Lapar! Will try to take another nap.

Here's hoping that by the next posting LO is here!

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