Wednesday, June 27, 2012

15 days.

It has been 15days and this is the first chance to actually update my blog. And that's thanks to Blogger-droid app, I don't have the will to switch on the laptop.

Little One is here. It's a GIRL!! Well, it was suspected from the scans but both hubby and I wouldn't want to say for sure because the chances till the baby came was still 50-50, right?

I had the bloody show on Monday (11th June) morning. Hubby worked the night shift the night before so I convinced him to sleep and let my parents take me to Hospital Sg. Buloh. So I was admitted around 10.30a.m. I requested a wheelchair since I had trouble walking so I was sent to be checked at the high risk patient. Since I manage to walk a bit, I was sent to the normal waiting area. At this time I had very minimal contractions and the doc said I was only 3cm.

And from then on it was the waiting game. The beds were full so I had to sit in a chair. I was checked a few times but still stuck at 3. At around 8pm I manage to get a bed. That night sleep was unrestful. My contractions were still mild buy they came at 5 mins interval. There was a lot of screaming coming from a Bangladeshi woman who wasn't even in active labor. My roomm.ates and I swore that her screams sounded like a machine..sort of like a loud vacuum. Until we found out from someone else it was a real human scream.

That next morning, Tuesday (12 June), I had nasi lemak ayam rendang that Mr.Hubster brought. Probably my last meal of the day and the last meal before pantang. Around 10.30a.m, I was minding my own business..walking trying to dilate..when suddenly a nurse came and said "Aaa..awak..saya dah ada labour room utk awak..get ready ye."

I said to her, "Err..tapi saya tak sakit pun," which is the truth. There were others who was is more pain and dilated further than me.

"Takpe..awak dah tunggu lama kan." And she left.

So I was sent to Labour Room 8 at 11.00 a.m. My water was broken by a doctor. A tube inserted to make me pee. I don't think I ever been in a situation where I felt so helpless and embarrassed. I was put on oxytocin drip at 12.30 and shot with painkiller to help ease the contraction pain.

Between 1-3 p.m everything was groggy. I was in and out of sleep. In fact I think I was left alone for most part of the duration. Nothing exciting. I heard people from other rooms..screams..grunts..nurses and doctors giving motivational cheers for the mother-to-bes..I hope I was spared the humiliation. I prayed that my birthing experience was quick and quiet.

And Allah heard my prayers. At 3.15pm, I woke up to find the drip needle inserted at the back of my right hand had come undone. I called for a nurse and she came and remedy the situation. My hand had become swollen so the drip had to change sides. 2 doctors came to check on me. I was only 7cm open. They poke (what other word to use??) around inside to help open the way. By then the contractions were strong and I had to grip the bedsides to maintain myself.

At 4.30 I was begging the doctors to let me push but they said sikit lagi je because belum 10cm. Erghh..the contractions were hard. I pushed gently bit by bit because instinct told me to. I tried very hard to control myself and proud to say that I did not scream one bit, not even while pushing.

At 4.50 I told the doctor (one had left so there was only one there and an observing student had come in), I was ready. She looked troubled, I can tell she wasn't very experienced but so what..I was having the baby and waiting for no one! She wanted to wait for the other doctor but I told her I got to push now, so dia pun get ready..the student pun tolong jugak.

Raised my legs, hold on to them and start pushing..with about 4 strained pushes, my baby came into the world. I could see her, it was priceless! It was recorded that the little one was born at 5.02pm. The doctor was kinda amazed because it was a quick andc easy birth given the baby was a bit on the large size, 3.83kg. I thought the worst was over but the process of taking out the placenta was more hurtful. Turns out the placenta was huge too. My first thought when looking at it was, "macam limpa/hati lembu". Then came the stitches. Doctor kata sikit saja but she took her time, doctor baru la katakan..nak careful.

Then Mr.Hubster came in to azan and iqamat the baby. Oh,yeah..I told hubby not to come in during labour. I don't think he can take it hehe. And I was right, to this day dia bersyukur dia tak masuk because masuk time after stitches tengok darah everywhere pun dia dah pucat-pucat. Huhuhu..

So after tahnik, nurse hantar naik atas to ward. It was around 7 p.m. Guard was making rounds asking visitors to leave. So hubby and mother left baby and I alone with 3 other mothers. The nurse came once to check on me. The baby nursed the whole night! Hospital Sg Buloh does not have a first class ward, we already enquired. I was put in 2nd class because 3rd was already full.

The next day was discharged after lunch. The total bill was RM19!! Hahaha...murah giler..I was not fussy about where to give birth..but bila tengok bil macam syukur gila tak pegi private or even full paying government. The birth was normal and an easy one..why pay more than 2k right?

So that is how my darling daughter, now named Nouaira was born to this world. Today is her 15th day. There's been ups and downs but so far I am thankful to Allah for this precious gift. Anak itu anugerah dan tanggungjawab.

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.4

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