Friday, May 25, 2012

38wks 4ds

It seems that friends that has their EDD around mine has all given birth. Yikes! Am definitely not ready. Stay baking for as long as you want ok, LO? I'm pretty sure that there's a research somewhere that says the longer the better the LO will turn out. After all, all the Muslim scholars pun selalu ibunya bersalin lewat. So, lagi ok la kan kalau past due date..heheh..tapi yang tak ok I think nanti kena induce..sigh..leceh la pulak.

I know it's weird. Not that I'm not anxious to meet the LO but I do not want to feel rushed. That's all. Plus, I have other reasons that I can't say here.

Aside from baby business...I've been playing with bread. Baked my first bread not 2 weeks ago. Did another loaf a few days later and a pan of raisin buns. Bad news is I can't find my Kenwood Dough Hook anywhere! So I've been hand kneading the doughs which is soooo tiring! Especially kneading the bun dough. I am itching to make sausage rolls but having second thoughts now that the hook is missing. The hook is huge, I can't believe it's missing. Hope my mother didn't threw it out by accident. That part alone could cost hundreds. Mahal tul la Kenwood parts ni kan. I wonder how much the meat mincer attachment is...I would really love one. And a breadmaker. Hehehe..but breadmakers are expensive!! So no hope there.

In my opinion, social networks are new ways for people to show off. There are a lot of show-offy people out there on the net. Somehow masa zaman blogging was the hype, it doesn't seem that bad..maybe because social networks are more "instant". Several weeks ago, I came across an article in a newspaper about social networks being one of the factors of depression. Ye lah, konon-konon tengok life orang lain begitu hebat dan gah, sendiri terus rasa depressed. Some people guna defense line.."oh we are just sharing our hapiness/whatever". Tapi please la..we all know kalau ada riak sekelumit pun terus dah dapat dosa so hidup siapa yang lagi best, kan? Speaking of it, I am grateful that Mr. Hubster likes to tegur and practically juga suka mem-ban on personal pictures. Memang susah nak dapat suami macam ni. I realized that as a Muslim, I am bound to restrictions and those restrictions are good for me. So yeah, my husband ambil peduli if I put pictures yang nampak aurat, Alhamdulillah. Pity for those yang tak dapat suami macam I haha..ok perasan pulak.

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