Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Week 33

The first trimester was such a crawl. It felt long because I knew I was pregnant the minute I missed my period. I just can't wait to go for my ultrasound because I wanted so badly for the baby to be ok.

The 2nd trimester flew by. In fact I can hardly remember anything significant happened except that I can feel the baby, actually feel the baby moving strongly in me and that's profound. The nausea also stopped, which made life much, much easier. Although I do remember my rib cage and heartburn bothers me a lot (still does!).

Third trimester. Things feel slow again. My ribs and heartburn is even worse now. I can't sit for a long period of time without it acting out. Can't walk too long too, if not ya rabbi backache!! Baby is so active at nights. My tummy keep moving and vibrating. Sometimes it tickles and sometimes it hurts. Some of the time it just feels akward. I get tired easily too, breathless.

Prep? I guess we've bought all the necesseties. So, currently I am broke because I've stop working. Just can't cope with the workload. Probably start again in September. Hope I can find the equilibrium.

The 3D scans proved worthless as baby would not show a peep. I guess it shall remain a surprise. We haven't decide on a boy's name yet. Hubby is smitten with one girl name. I am still open to option. Malas nak cari saja.

What else? I guess that's all for now. Oh, yeah..I still haven't pack for the hospital. In fact, we still haven't narrow down where to give birth. I don't mind that much. Mana-mana macam sama saja. Honestly, kalau masuk wad kelas tiga pun tak kisah. I just want it to be over quickly hehe.

Ok, that is it. Will touch base some other time.

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