Tuesday, April 24, 2012

This Pain

I have This Pain in my left ribs that won't go away. It has been there on and off for the past 7 months and now entering my 34th week, it's here to stay.

Yes, This Pain is constantly there. I do not know how to explain it. It feels like heartburn only worse. It feels like someone is pulling at my ribcage but doing it excruciatingly slowly. It feels like there's a tear somewhere inside.

I'm pretty sure Little One's foot is not wedge there. Doesn't feel like it. But I might be wrong.

I am trying hard not to complain about This Pain to anyone at all because I know it's pretty useless. I will try to bear this silently after I am done writing this. There's only give or take 6 weeks left so buck up, right?

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