Friday, May 11, 2012

36weeks ++

At the moment Little One is playing bongos in LO's little sac. Probably imsoniac just like the mother.

9months now. It's anytime now but I am praying hard that LO comes exactly on the dot. Yes, ada ulterior motive yang sedikit spiteful but I can't help to feel a little slighted. Tak pernah tanya apa-apa pun kan? Jadi sebab tu la tak tahu. I've told them before so kalau tak ingat and rasa tak cukup penting untuk ingat, it is definetely not my fault.

Anyway, now it's weekly check up. Boring. I really hate the long queue tapi apakan daya.

So these last few weeks I am trying to think of what else to eat..things that I'll miss desperately later on. I plan to pantang seriously. No ice, no cold water! Hopefully kuat la azam ni. I'm going to miss Milo Sejuk, ice blended, sirap ais and ice creams! So I guess this weekend nak Coffee Bean ;)

Prep stuff..almost everything on the list dah ada. Crib tinggal nak pasang. I'm planning on cloth diapering, have gotten 17 sets already various brands. Nak start as soon as possible but realistically that'll be after pantang la. Harapnya rezeki untuk breastfeed pun cukupla untuk 2 tahun, extra pun takpe. I really want to save as much as we can bringing up our child.

At the end ni pun rezeki Mr. Hubster bertambah with the photography job. I made him take a job that's just the day before my due date and the job is in Kedah! Tak apa la kan..rezeki..after all, I'm the one giving birth, he only need to be there right after for the azan. Anyway, labour usually long process..doa je la dia sempat sampai dengan selamat.

So I guess that's all for the moment..

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