Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Aidilfitri 2011

I am standing in a cemetary right now. Others are reciting doa and surah Yassin. I am not sure who's grave it is. I asked Mr.Hubster but he doesn't know either which is kind of exasperating since he has been coming here for years and years.

Standing here, of course the mind would turn to the matter of life and death. Death is certain. However, we mortals rarely remind ourselves of this and go on living life as if it's forever.

Death will come and death is forever. This eid, let us remind ourselves of our sins and let us repent. For death will catch up on us and we do not know where and when. And at that time the heavens are closed.

Allah is merciful, Allah is great.

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri.
Maaf zahir dan batin.

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