Monday, May 2, 2011

The weekend where the world watched and celebrated.

Long weekend. Twitter timeline is moving fast with news of Will & Kate wedding, Osama bin Laden death and traffic congestion all over Malaysia.

Congratulations to the newly bride and groom. I watched the live feed of their wedding via youtube. Gorgeous dress. Everyone seem to say that her sister, the bride's maid of honour stole the spotlight but if you ask me..she's not as pretty as Kate. And how come she gets to wear a plunging neckline dress to church when everyone else was me. Maybe she thought since after this Kate's going to be in the limelight all her life, the least Pippa could do is shine for that 15 minutes of fame. Who knows she might bag a rich husband too. Ok, fine..I'm being catty but what's with all the coverage on her?? It was Kate's day!

Eversince following KLTrafficUpdate on Twitter, it's been making life easier for drivers (except those yang memang kena menempuh jam hari-hari la kan?). Now we know where are all the traffic jams going on, police speed traps, accidents, JPJ road blocks, rush and etc. Twittezens are even putting up pictures of cars of rude drivers, hit-and-run, plate numbers of que cutters and trouble makers. So, be careful of how you treat people on the road these days. Buat malu je if one day your family and friends nampak your car or number plate being bashed by others on Twitter. Tapi kalau yang muka tembok tu..muka tembok la jugak kan?

Osama Bin Laden dead? In truth, I do not know or understand everything that goes on about the war. Who, why, how, etc..I mean, who can you really trust giving out the real information? Are we really supposed to believe everything printed in the papers and the Internet? No la kan? So..what I do know is..he was  a Muslim who thought he was doing right. Who thought his jihad had meaning. I do not condone his act to encourage deaths of others. And for that, for me, I think he was a terrorist, in a way. For that, I believe his death would be a bit of peace in this world. But he was also a Muslim, and so his death does not rejoice me.

With all the big news going on all around the world, it kinda made me feel so small. Especially since nothing, literally nothing, happened to me this weekend.

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