Friday, April 15, 2011

Dry Spell

Somehow mood nak buat kerja is nowhere to be found. Susah but I know the saying, where there's a will, there's a way. So, nak tak nak mesti cari will power secepat mungkin.

Last weekend, went to visit The Grandparents. Air traveled. It was nice. Haven't been there for ages.

Can't seem to make up my mind if I should get a new laptop. The clock is ticking, the PC Fair offer will end soon. There's nothing much wrong with the current laptop except that the screen is yellow tinted already and the adapter has been changed twice. Judging from its performance, the adapter is unreliable. Sekejap on, sekejap off. Asyik nak kena adjust. Macam bahaya. And oh, the disc drive also dah rosak. So yay or nay on the new laptop? Money, money, money..

Real estate nowadays are a horror. How come price tak macam US? US housing semua turun..Malaysia skyrocketing. Sigh.. Nak duduk mana? Pening kepala asyik fikir this one.

Masterchef is coming to Malaysia. You can check out Maybe I should start sharpening my skills for next season..who knows boleh enter ke..LOL. Berangan je lebih. But then again, if bergiat masak, even if there's no second season..skill yang ada tu boleh digunakan. Self-motivation. Bila ada Masterchef Malaysia ni baru sedar there's so many things in the kitchen yang I do not know how to do.
Maybe I should list out the things that I need to learn to further my kitchen skills. That would be a good way kan?  Ok, so watch for "Things to Learn" (somehow, terasa susah sebab kalau Masterchef me it means you have to know Malaysian Dish and also international la kan?)

Talking about cooking leads to thinking about food. So, now I'm hungry. Till next time, bye!

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