Tuesday, August 14, 2012

2 months

Nouaira turned 2 months young a few days ago. Went for her immunity jab last week. Alhamdulillah dia tak demam after the shot. Nurse dah subscribe paracetemol siap-siap. Kena makan 1 dose eventhough tak demam. She did not take it well. Luah most of it. Itulah kata nasib baik tak demam, kalau tak I don't know how nak bagi makan ubat.

I think Nouaira has discovered her right hand. She stares at it and moves it slowly to her mouth. It's pretty fascinating to watch. Haha..the fact is it's pretty fascinating to watch a baby discover anything at all, right? Especially the first times.

She roughly has a routine now. She also sleeps well at night. Actually her long stretch is a still a bit early from 8pm to around midnite or 1 a.m. Wakes up for a small feeding session and diaper change. Then tido balik. Lepas tu kadang-kadang.bangun balik at 3 a.m. But 6 a.m tu macam confirm bangun.

Nouaira also is a talker. I just love hearing her coo. Memang boleh ada conversation dengan dia because she talks back. And she likes to smile and laugh too. Glad that she's a happy baby.

Well, Raya is around the corner. This year not much preparations. Haven't been working for a few months so takde duit.  Nak ganti puasa pun banyak..haishh..

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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

What I love the most about confinement.

My skin. Yep, no going out means no sun touching my skin. No UV means better skin. Tak berjeragat, no pimples, a lot less oily, and less visible pores. No going out means less wearing makeup,so yeah, better skin. Terasa lebih fair juga (ok, sila muntah).

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Monday, July 23, 2012

40 Days of Nouaira

Today marks the 40th day of my confinement and 40 days Nouaira in our life. Yeah, I guess time flies but it still feels a little slow to me.

She had her 2nd jab of Hep B immunity dosage on the 12th. Everything went smoothly.

It's Ramadhan now. Second day of puasa. Obviously I am not fasting. Postpartum does not permit me to fast. I was hoping it ended earlier but alas, I could only wish. It's going to be another direful waiting game to wait for it to dry up. Sangatlah tidak mahu ganti puasa banyak sangat. Malas.

In 2 days time Nouaira is 6 weeks old. So far she can smile and laugh like a champion. Suka sangat ketawa masa tidur and sometimes in the middle of the night she'd giggle loudly and I'd be freaked out. Her eyes can focus and follow object without moving her head. I bought Lamaze wrist and socks rattles hoping she'd discover her hands and feet soon. But maybe that won't be for another month or two. She can hold up her head well for more than 10 seconds. She still hates lying down on her own. I don't know what to do about that for now. She still can't fall asleep on her own. Nak kena timang sampai terlena, then rock, then hold on lap THEN after a while baru boleh letak on her mattress. Manja much? If she's very sleepy the whole procedure takes a few minutes but if she's not then the timang-timang part takes a while sampai lenguh bahu and tangan.

Nouaira is a grazer. She drinks little but frequent. The most she would take is 4oz but not in one feeding. 2oz first then rest about 10 to 30 minutes then another 2oz. Most of the time she finishes 2oz and nap for about an hour and half. Other times she drinks one and half plus another one and half, sleeps for about 2 to 3 hours. But her sleeping and drinking habit is still unpredictable. Yeah, they say routine only starts after the 3rd month or so. I've got to be patient, but it is kind of driving me crazy especially the part where ALL I do is look at her, feed her, change her and try to put her to sleep. Sabar..sabar..trying not to get baby blues get the better of me tapi kecundang jugak a few times. So at those times, I let Mr.Hubster and Mother take care of her while I sleep or rest.

I put her in cloth diaper in the daytime. So far I have 17 diapers in my stash and of various brands. I can't pick out a favourite just yet but the first pick would be the Rumparooz. The least is the Grovia, probably because it's not a "stay dry" diaper. Others I have are Bumgenius 3.0, 4.0 & Freetime, Charlie Banana, Itti Bitti Tutto, Lunatots 3.0 & AI2, Baby Wizard, Blueberry NB, QQBaby, Baby Beehinds and Autumnz. I am currently waiting for a one size Swaddlebee Simplex. I find that cloth diapering is easy so far. For now we only need 3 disposable diapers per day. I guess jimat la jugak.

Due to breasfeeding failure, yes I finally have to admit it, that I have failed salah satu hak anak, Nouaira is on formula. I do not want to go into all the gruesome details for now. Currently, she's on Isomil sebab takut allergy reaction but nak tukar soon because 1) can't afford susu mahal, and 2) need to introduce lactose supaya tak develop allergy to it.

So that's all the update for now. I am hoping that the next update would be about Nouaira's first outing. Yeah, I have a bad case of want-to-go-out-itis. Haritu pun dah dapat keluar, just to go watch Batman : The Dark Knight Rises, which was awesome by the way! Here's hoping! :)

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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

I wonder what's the percentage of mothers having post partum depression? (or is it post natal depression?)

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Saturday, June 30, 2012

Day 18

Before giving birth to Nouaira, I thought what I would miss most would be cold water, food that are banned throughout confinement, sleep and even watching favourite series online. But nothing compares to that something that I've lost and looks like going to take a very long time to regain..my health!

Yes, my health is in poor shape. I guess when you have limited ability to walk everything seems hard to do. Getting up, changing positions, walking..all of that are major chores to me. I try to ignore them but yesterday my lower back hurts like hell! Macam ada bengkak sikit. And it's not helping that my stitches hasn't heal properly. There are times rasa ngilu sangat..and sakit. Yes, it has been 18 days and still tak baik. I'm worried.

I'm taking Shaklee suplements but somehow it doesn't feel like it's helping me much. Maybe I should buy pil ikan haruan kot..they said that helps..or letak minyak gamat. Ok, I know this is all too-much-information but I need a place to vent.

And I am so bored with not being well! And bored with confinement! But yeah, most of all I really want my health back ya Allah..please please please..I just want to take care of my girl properly without grimacing everytime I have to get up, sit for a long period of time..this is very trying for me.

I broke down several times already. I'm afraid my mental well being isn't so good either. But that more or less due to physical health.

Please ya Allah, grant me my health once again..I'd do anything..

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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Wordless Wednesday - Nouaira at Day 1.

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15 days.

It has been 15days and this is the first chance to actually update my blog. And that's thanks to Blogger-droid app, I don't have the will to switch on the laptop.

Little One is here. It's a GIRL!! Well, it was suspected from the scans but both hubby and I wouldn't want to say for sure because the chances till the baby came was still 50-50, right?

I had the bloody show on Monday (11th June) morning. Hubby worked the night shift the night before so I convinced him to sleep and let my parents take me to Hospital Sg. Buloh. So I was admitted around 10.30a.m. I requested a wheelchair since I had trouble walking so I was sent to be checked at the high risk patient. Since I manage to walk a bit, I was sent to the normal waiting area. At this time I had very minimal contractions and the doc said I was only 3cm.

And from then on it was the waiting game. The beds were full so I had to sit in a chair. I was checked a few times but still stuck at 3. At around 8pm I manage to get a bed. That night sleep was unrestful. My contractions were still mild buy they came at 5 mins interval. There was a lot of screaming coming from a Bangladeshi woman who wasn't even in active labor. My roomm.ates and I swore that her screams sounded like a machine..sort of like a loud vacuum. Until we found out from someone else it was a real human scream.

That next morning, Tuesday (12 June), I had nasi lemak ayam rendang that Mr.Hubster brought. Probably my last meal of the day and the last meal before pantang. Around 10.30a.m, I was minding my own business..walking trying to dilate..when suddenly a nurse came and said "Aaa..awak..saya dah ada labour room utk awak..get ready ye."

I said to her, "Err..tapi saya tak sakit pun," which is the truth. There were others who was is more pain and dilated further than me.

"Takpe..awak dah tunggu lama kan." And she left.

So I was sent to Labour Room 8 at 11.00 a.m. My water was broken by a doctor. A tube inserted to make me pee. I don't think I ever been in a situation where I felt so helpless and embarrassed. I was put on oxytocin drip at 12.30 and shot with painkiller to help ease the contraction pain.

Between 1-3 p.m everything was groggy. I was in and out of sleep. In fact I think I was left alone for most part of the duration. Nothing exciting. I heard people from other rooms..screams..grunts..nurses and doctors giving motivational cheers for the mother-to-bes..I hope I was spared the humiliation. I prayed that my birthing experience was quick and quiet.

And Allah heard my prayers. At 3.15pm, I woke up to find the drip needle inserted at the back of my right hand had come undone. I called for a nurse and she came and remedy the situation. My hand had become swollen so the drip had to change sides. 2 doctors came to check on me. I was only 7cm open. They poke (what other word to use??) around inside to help open the way. By then the contractions were strong and I had to grip the bedsides to maintain myself.

At 4.30 I was begging the doctors to let me push but they said sikit lagi je because belum 10cm. Erghh..the contractions were hard. I pushed gently bit by bit because instinct told me to. I tried very hard to control myself and proud to say that I did not scream one bit, not even while pushing.

At 4.50 I told the doctor (one had left so there was only one there and an observing student had come in), I was ready. She looked troubled, I can tell she wasn't very experienced but so what..I was having the baby and waiting for no one! She wanted to wait for the other doctor but I told her I got to push now, so dia pun get ready..the student pun tolong jugak.

Raised my legs, hold on to them and start pushing..with about 4 strained pushes, my baby came into the world. I could see her, it was priceless! It was recorded that the little one was born at 5.02pm. The doctor was kinda amazed because it was a quick andc easy birth given the baby was a bit on the large size, 3.83kg. I thought the worst was over but the process of taking out the placenta was more hurtful. Turns out the placenta was huge too. My first thought when looking at it was, "macam limpa/hati lembu". Then came the stitches. Doctor kata sikit saja but she took her time, doctor baru la katakan..nak careful.

Then Mr.Hubster came in to azan and iqamat the baby. Oh,yeah..I told hubby not to come in during labour. I don't think he can take it hehe. And I was right, to this day dia bersyukur dia tak masuk because masuk time after stitches tengok darah everywhere pun dia dah pucat-pucat. Huhuhu..

So after tahnik, nurse hantar naik atas to ward. It was around 7 p.m. Guard was making rounds asking visitors to leave. So hubby and mother left baby and I alone with 3 other mothers. The nurse came once to check on me. The baby nursed the whole night! Hospital Sg Buloh does not have a first class ward, we already enquired. I was put in 2nd class because 3rd was already full.

The next day was discharged after lunch. The total bill was RM19!! Hahaha...murah giler..I was not fussy about where to give birth..but bila tengok bil macam syukur gila tak pegi private or even full paying government. The birth was normal and an easy one..why pay more than 2k right?

So that is how my darling daughter, now named Nouaira was born to this world. Today is her 15th day. There's been ups and downs but so far I am thankful to Allah for this precious gift. Anak itu anugerah dan tanggungjawab.

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