Tuesday, August 14, 2012

2 months

Nouaira turned 2 months young a few days ago. Went for her immunity jab last week. Alhamdulillah dia tak demam after the shot. Nurse dah subscribe paracetemol siap-siap. Kena makan 1 dose eventhough tak demam. She did not take it well. Luah most of it. Itulah kata nasib baik tak demam, kalau tak I don't know how nak bagi makan ubat.

I think Nouaira has discovered her right hand. She stares at it and moves it slowly to her mouth. It's pretty fascinating to watch. Haha..the fact is it's pretty fascinating to watch a baby discover anything at all, right? Especially the first times.

She roughly has a routine now. She also sleeps well at night. Actually her long stretch is a still a bit early from 8pm to around midnite or 1 a.m. Wakes up for a small feeding session and diaper change. Then tido balik. Lepas tu kadang-kadang.bangun balik at 3 a.m. But 6 a.m tu macam confirm bangun.

Nouaira also is a talker. I just love hearing her coo. Memang boleh ada conversation dengan dia because she talks back. And she likes to smile and laugh too. Glad that she's a happy baby.

Well, Raya is around the corner. This year not much preparations. Haven't been working for a few months so takde duit.  Nak ganti puasa pun banyak..haishh..

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