Saturday, June 30, 2012

Day 18

Before giving birth to Nouaira, I thought what I would miss most would be cold water, food that are banned throughout confinement, sleep and even watching favourite series online. But nothing compares to that something that I've lost and looks like going to take a very long time to health!

Yes, my health is in poor shape. I guess when you have limited ability to walk everything seems hard to do. Getting up, changing positions, walking..all of that are major chores to me. I try to ignore them but yesterday my lower back hurts like hell! Macam ada bengkak sikit. And it's not helping that my stitches hasn't heal properly. There are times rasa ngilu sangat..and sakit. Yes, it has been 18 days and still tak baik. I'm worried.

I'm taking Shaklee suplements but somehow it doesn't feel like it's helping me much. Maybe I should buy pil ikan haruan kot..they said that helps..or letak minyak gamat. Ok, I know this is all too-much-information but I need a place to vent.

And I am so bored with not being well! And bored with confinement! But yeah, most of all I really want my health back ya Allah..please please please..I just want to take care of my girl properly without grimacing everytime I have to get up, sit for a long period of time..this is very trying for me.

I broke down several times already. I'm afraid my mental well being isn't so good either. But that more or less due to physical health.

Please ya Allah, grant me my health once again..I'd do anything..

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