Thursday, July 7, 2011

He will be remembered.

Just buried Ku Ning. After almost 24 hour struggle, he has passed on.

I am sadden with his going but I had thought of it even when Mr. Hubster took him out if the drain. Kalau dia hidup, alhamdulillah tapi kalau mati redha je la, as long as I have tried.

I suspect it's internal bleeding sebab jatuh longkang tu. His belly nampak hitam. And I think that lead to the constipation. Kesian dia..

Dapat la seminggu bersama. At least he went knowing what love is. He was a dear little thing. Purred so loud bila gosok.

Ku Ning will be missed.
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1 comment:

Lucky n Cik Nit's Mummy said...

sorry to hear abt ku ning.. a cat's death is a very hard thing to witness for ppl who enjoy the company of cats, be it a stray or a much loved pet..